ARDS and Living Languages workshop

May 7thdhu, ARDS ga Living Language team walal rrambaŋi ḻiya ŋama’ŋamayunmirr dhiyak Language Leadership Workshop-ku. Ga buku-wäthun ga bukmakku yolŋuw ŋunhi walal lika djäma dhärukŋur gali’ŋur mala.

On 7th May, ARDS and the Living Language team hosted a Language Leadership workshop for the first time at Nungunliya College. Language teams came from different communities across the top end to participate.

Ga dhuwal workshop-tja ŋayi ŋunhi manymak mirithirr bili marŋgithirr ga yuṯaw romgu dhärukŋur. Ga nyumukuniny girriw malaw ga wiripuny marŋgithirr ga malŋ’maram manymak guŋgayunhamirr bala ga räli rom. Ga mirithirr ŋayi manymak ŋunhi dhuwal workshop ŋayi buku-ḻuŋmaram yolŋuny dharrwany ga marŋgithirr ga yuṯaw romgu malaw ga warguyunha ga yuṯawnha djamarrkuliw’nha dhärukŋur walalaŋgal.

The workshop on leadership with community members was very important. They learnt a few techniques on how to run their own activities and ideas for when they do it in their own space in the community level. They can help the young generation to learn their own language in a better way.


Sharing, supporting and observing skills they learned

  • Observing new ideas. Nhäma ga märram ga yuṯaw gakalgu.

  • Sharing new things. Guŋga’yunmirr yuṯaw romgu malaw.

  • Learning new things and supporting each other. Marŋgithirr ga yuṯaw romgu ga guŋga’yunmirr ga bala räli.

  • Exchanging ideas with others. Buku-djuḻka’ manymakku guyaŋanhawuy ga wiripuw malaw romgu.


Visit to Ngukurr Language Centre